Davison Township

Davison Township

Return Home

(810) 653-4156
1280 N. Irish Rd., Davison, MI 48423
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm

Return Home

General Information

Jay Rendon – Chief of Police

1280 N. Irish Road, Davison (Map)

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Emergency calls and after hours
DIAL: 9-1-1

Get Your Accident Report Now! CRASHDOCS.ORG



The Davison Township Police Department provides fingerprinting on FBI and applicant cards. The fee is $10 per card. Please call 810-653-5656 to make an appointment.

If you need to be fingerprinted on a State of Michigan card, you must contact IdentoGo at 1-866-226-2952.

Other agencies also doing Live Scan fingerprints with appointments

Clayton Township Police 810-635-3230

Grand Blanc City Police at 810-694-1111

The Davison Township Police Department provides a basic local background check for a Davison Township resident, which is not a criminal background check. This local background check will reflect a check of local police records regarding any police contacts. If you require a statewide criminal background check, please contact the Michigan State Police at 810-732-1111 or you may visit the State of Michigan ICHAT site.

The Davison Township Police Department offers vacation checks, at the homeowner’s request, to better serve the needs of our community. The Police Department and the community need to work together to prevent break-ins while the owner is away for extended periods of time.

Go to the Forms Page to Complete the Vacation Check Form

It is recommended that the homeowner follow these simple steps in order to better safeguard their home. For instance:

  • Cancel Newspaper.
  • Put a hold on all mail. (forms may be obtained at the United States Postal Service Offices)
  • Ask a neighbor to collect leaflets left on the door.
  • Ask a neighbor to bring in trash cans from the roadway.
  • Possibly arrange for the grass/lawn to be mowed in your absence.
  • Leave emergency numbers with people chosen to watch your residence.
  • Remove messages on the home answering machine stating that you will be away.
  • Secure doors, windows, points of entry for animals, and turn off garage door opener.
  • Never leave a key outside, under a mat, “fake rock”, or under a flower pot.
  • Ask a neighbor to park their car in your driveway to make it look like the house is occupied.
  • Set automatic timers to turn on and off lights in the evening around the same time you would normally be in the home.
  • Possibly arrange to have your driveway plowed and sidewalks shoveled in the winter time.

The Davison Township Police Department may be able to assist you if you have locked your keys in your vehicle. You may contact the police department during regular business hours at 810-653-5656 or you may call 911 after hours. There is no fee for this service.

Genesee County Smart911
Alerts powered by Smart911 is the official emergency notification system used by Genesee County 9-1-1 to communicate with community residents during emergencies. Sign up now to receive free alerts from Genesee County via text message, email, and/or voice message.

  • Add your address to receive geo-targeted alerts
  • Indicate what types of alerts you want to receive including weather, traffic, emergency, and more
  • Indicate how you want to be notified by text, email, and/or voice message

CLICK HERE: Smart911.com


Witnessed a crime? We know it brings hesitation, especially deciding whether to come forward or let information go unreported due to fear or involvement. We also know that if crime goes undetected, it’s as if it never happened.

An undocumented crime leaves the criminal to continue to commit crimes. This leaves our community vulnerable and unsafe for both adults and children.

The Davison Township Police Department has a special telephone number you can call to leave an anonymous tip. It can be about drug activity in the area, information on someone who may have committed a crime, or maybe someone you know has a warrant for their arrest. Please call 810-653-5656 Ext. 7847.

In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. The Davison Township Police Departments would like to keep all residents and visitors to the area safe. Always remember, you should not give your personal information, Social Security number, financial account numbers, birth dates or maiden name over the phone to someone you do not know. If you have questions about your safety or security, please do not hesitate to call the police department at 810-653-5656.

What are the boundaries of Davison Township?

Potter Road is the boundary line to the north, bordering with Richfield Township. Washburn Road is the boundary line to the east, bordering with Lapeer County. Maple Road is the boundary line to the south, bordering with Atlas Township. Vassar Road is the boundary to the west, bordering with the City of Burton. The City of Davison is located within the borders of Davison Township, South of Potter Road, West of Oak Road, North of Lapeer Road and East of Gale Road.

What are the hours of operation?

The Davison Township Police Department is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm. You may contact the office at 810-653-5656 or by coming into the office located at 1280 N Irish Rd. However, if you need an officer after 4pm or on the weekend, you may call 911. Davison Township Police officers work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How do I obtain a copy of a police report?

Police reports made in Davison Township may be obtained by submitting a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) to the Davison Township Police Department. Suspects or arrestees may obtain a copy of the police report from the prosecutor’s office.

Go to the Forms Page to Complete the FOIA Request Form

Police reports are usually available after 3 – 5 business days, exceptions may apply. You may contact our office at 810-653-5656, to obtain the police report number and to check the status of a case. There is a fee for a copy of a basic police report.

Where do I pay traffic fines?

Traffic fines are collected at the 67th District Court located at 200 E. Flint St. Suite 3, Davison, MI 48423. The Honorable Judge Jennifer Manley and Magistrate Kristen Grant preside. The Court’s phone number is 810-653-4126.

If you received a citation within the City of Flint you will need to contact the 67-5th District Court at 810-766-8968.

What is the fine on my traffic ticket?

The Court sets the fines and costs on traffic tickets. You may contact the Court at 810-653-4126 for any questions you may have.

Where do I obtain a permit to purchase a handgun or a CCW Permit?

If you live in Davison Township you must obtain your handgun permit through the Genesee County Sheriff Department.  They are located at 1002 S. Saginaw St., Flint, MI.  Please call 810-257-3418 for office hours.

What is a Personal Protection Order (PPO) and how do I obtain one?

A personal protection order (PPO) is an order issued by the Court. It can protect you from harassment, assault, beating, molesting, wounding, or stalking by another person. The order can also prohibit him/her from entering your premises and from removing minor children unless the removal is part of court-ordered visitation.

There are two types of PPO’s:

  1. Issued only after the other person has been notified that you have filed for a restraining order and after a court hearing has been held.
  2. Issued without notifying the other person and with no court hearing. This is called an ex parte order.

To file a PPO:

  • An attorney is not necessary in this process.
  • County Clerk’s office can provide a “do-it-yourself” personal protection order packet.
  • The packet will contain necessary forms and instruction to request a hearing.
  • In case of immediate danger, ask the clerk for an ex parte order form to complete.
  • A PPO goes into effect as soon as the Judge signs it.
  • The Clerk’s office will provide a copy to the Genesee County Sheriff Department so that it can immediately be entered into the Law Enforcement Information Network.

You may receive a personal protection order if you are a victim of domestic violence or stalking. PPO applications are available from the Genesee County Clerk’s office in the county Courthouse at 900 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48503. The phone number is 810-257-3610.

Where can I get fingerprinted?

The Davison Township Police Department provides fingerprinting on FBI and applicant cards. If you need to be fingerprinted on a State of Michigan card, you must contact IdentoGo at 1-866-226-2952

Clayton Township Police Department and Grand Blanc City can also do Fingerprints by appointment. 

Clayton Township 810 635-3230

Grand Blanc City Police  810 694-1111

How can I find out if a Registered Sex Offender is living near me?


IRS “Scam”
The Davison Township Police Department would like to warn residents about a telephone scam. Currently there is a group calling saying they are from the IRS and you own them money.

The caller tells the potential victim there is a pending law suit against them and they must make a payment to the IRS. Do not give the caller any information over the phone regardless of any threats they make to take legal action. Just tell them you will not provide them any information and hang up. Do not ever send money via Western Union or Greendot.

Report Scams to the Federal Trade Commission

Report Identity Theft to the Federal Trade Commission

Crime Victim Rights

Under the Michigan Crime Victim’s Rights Act, an individual who suffers direct or threatened physical, financial or emotional harm as a result of a felony or other included crime, is entitled to the following information:

  • Emergency and medical services are available, if applicable.
  • You may be eligible for Crime Victim’s Compensation Benefits. To apply, fill out an application available from the Crime Victim’s Compensation Board at P. O. Box 30026, Lansing, MI 48909 or call 517-373-7373.
  • The Prosecuting Attorney’s office has a victim/witness program. For additional information you may call the prosecuting attorney’s office for Genesee County 810-257-3165 or Davison Township 810-603-1000.
  • When a suspect is arrested concerning your case, the police department will notify you no later than 24 hours after the defendant is arraigned. At the time you may telephone the sheriff or juvenile facility to determine whether the defendant has been released from custody: Genesee County Jail 810-257-3426.
  • You may also sign up for notifications of inmates at Vinelink.com
  • If you would like to be notified of an arrest in your case or the release of the person arrested, or both, you should call and inform Davison Township Police Department at 810-653-5656.
  • If you are not notified of an arrest in your case, you may call the Police Department for the status of your case.

Crime Victim’s Compensation Board – 517-373-7373

Genesee County Prosecutor’s office – 810-257-3165

Davison Township Prosecutor’s office – 810-603-1000

Genesee County Jail – 810-257-3426

Davison Township Police Department – 810-653-5656

Outside Agencies

The Davison Township Police Department works in conjunction with several other agencies in Genesee County. While we work closely with the City of Davison Police, Richfield Township Police, the Davison Richfield Area Fire Department and local EMS, we also work directly with the 67th District Court, Genesee County Sheriff Department and the Michigan State Police.

7th Circuit Court

67th District Court

Genesee County Prosecutor’s Office

Genesee County Sheriff

Genesee County Animal Control

Michigan State Police

Burton Police Department

City of Davison Police

Genesee Township Police

Richfield Township Police Department



Police reports made in Davison Township may be obtained by submitting a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) to the Davison Township Police Department. Suspects or arrestees may obtain a copy of the police report from the prosecutor’s office.

Go to the Forms Page to Complete the FOIA Request Form

Police reports are usually available after 3 – 5 business days, exceptions may apply. You may contact our office at 810-653-5656, to obtain the police report number and to check the status of a case. There is a fee for a copy of a basic police report.

To obtain an an accident report go to CrashDocs.org (Last Name, Report Number, and Date of Loss are required fields to search for accident reports)Get Your Accident Report Now –  CrashDocs.org

Go to the Forms Page to Complete the FOIA Request Form


There are two (2) types of bad checks.  The first being a Non-sufficient funds check, the second a closed account.  Both require that a five (5) day notice be sent via certified mail to the check writer advising them that they have five days, from the receipt of the letter, to respond to you and remit payment and any fees that you incurred, or you will proceed with criminal charges.

After the five days there are two different ways to proceed:

1) Non-Sufficient Funds
In Genesee County there is a Bad Check Restitution Program funded by the Genesee County Prosecutors Office.  Contact the Bad Check Restitution Program at 800-743-8014 for a bad check crime report form.

Fill out the crime report form, attach originals (you retain photocopies) of all checks and notification documents, such as return receipts and bank notices and mail to:

  • Genesee County Prosecuting Attorney
  • Bad Check Restitution Program
  • P.O. Box 366
  • Flint, MI 48501-0366

If you do not receive restitution within 60 days, contact the Genesee County Prosecuting Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program.

2) Closed Account
If you have received a closed account check in Davison Township, you can file a police report at our office.  After a report has been filed, we will attempt to make contact with the writer of the check.  We can either try to recover the funds or we will submit the report to our prosecutor for review of criminal charges.

If you are a resident of Davison Township, you must obtain your CPL from the Genesee County Clerks Office if you wish to carry a concealed pistol.

Go to the Forms Page to Complete the CPL Application and Instructions

The Davison Township Police Department will check resident’s homes for them while they are away on vacation. If you would like to have a vacation check placed on your home, please contact us at 810-653-5656 during regular business hours.

Go to the Forms Page to Complete the Vacation Check Form

Department Contacts

Main Phone: 810-653-5656

Chief Jay Rendon
Ext 7101

Deputy Chief Jerry Harris
Ext 7102

Lieutenant C. Markwardt
Ext 7104

Lieutenant Corey Haynes
Ext 7106

Sergeant David Sohmer
Ext 7110

Sergeant Scott Teschendorf
Ext 7111

Sergeant Troy Mitchell
Ext 7112

Detective Philip Yurk
Ext 7123

Detective Terry Coon
Ext 7138

Officer Chad Haynes
Ext 7125

Officer Mike Bice
Ext 7127

Officer Kevin Roberts
Ext 7136

Officer Joseph Thorpe
Ext 7139

Officer Spencer Zecchini
Ext 7141

Officer Nicholas Clinton
Ext 7143

Officer Blayne Fortune
Ext 7144

Officer Dexter Taylor
Ext 7145

Officer Derrek Jennings
Ext 7148

Officer Logan Pray
Ext 7149

Officer Matt Piazza
Ext 7150

Officer Tyler Dunklee
Ext 7151

Officer Chad Parkinson
Ext 7153

Officer Kevin Jones
Ext 7154

Officer Evan Foster
Ext 7155

Officer Keegan Harburn
Ext 7156

Officer Hayden Hughes
Ext 7157

Dispatcher Alissa Madak
Ext 7709

Dispatcher Sasha Cole
Ext 7708
