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Township Services
The primary function of the Planning Department is to promote and enhance the wellbeing of residents, property owners, businesses, and visitors of Davison Township. The department accomplishes this through programs that encourage high quality development as well as preservation and revitalization of existing neighborhoods.
While the Planning Department’s function is to guide the overall form of the Township, specific development standards are contained in the Zoning Code. The Zoning Code regulates development standards and establishes specific types of land use allowed at any particular location.
The Code also determines the procedures for development approvals, such as Use Permits, Modifications, and Site Development Permits. Depending on the nature of a proposal, development approvals may be reviewed by the Planning Director, the Planning Commission, or the Township Board. The Planning Department is here to facilitate any of these processes.
Contact the Planning Department
Matt Place
Site plans must be submitted for any development within Davison Township.
The goal of Davison Township is to help guide growth while preserving resources for future generations. Collectively, the staff performs advanced and current planning functions. They also prepare and maintain the General Plan and various community and specific plans, processes annexations, implement the Zoning Ordinances, supports the Historic Preservation program, and makes recommendations to the Planning Commission.
With all that in mind commercial and residential development is a point of pride in Davison Township! We will work closely with you to help facilitate the process of applying for pertinent Building, Fire, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical permits, and to follow all codes, laws, and local ordinances that bring value and safety to your project.
A site plan is an architectural plan, landscape architecture document, and a detailed engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot. A site plan usually shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements. Such a plan of a site is a "graphic representation of the arrangement of buildings, parking, drives, landscaping and any other structure that is part of a development project". A site plan is a "set of construction drawings that a builder or contractor uses to make improvements to a property. Counties can use the site plan to verify that development codes are being met and as a historical resource. Site plans are often prepared by a design consultant who must be either a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect or land surveyor".
Site plans must be submitted for any development within Davison Township.
You will also need permits from the following entities:
Genesee County Road Commission (For roads, curbs, driveways, ditching, etc)
Genesee County Drain Commission (For sewer/water, surface water, IPP permits, etc.)
Zoning ordinances protect the rights of property owners while promoting the general welfare of the community. By dividing land into categories according to use, and setting regulations for these categories, a zoning ordinance can govern private land use and segregate incompatible uses. The purpose of zoning is to locate particular land uses where they are most appropriate, considering public utilities, road access, and the established development pattern. In addition to categorizing land by use, such as residential, commercial, and industrial, a zoning ordinance also specifies such details as building setback lines, the height and bulk of buildings, the size and location of open spaces, and the intensity to which the land may be developed. Zoning does not specify minimum construction standards; these are set forth in separate building codes.
When a property owner wants to use land in a way that is not permitted by the zoning of his or her property, the owner must request to rezone the property to a classification which permits the desired use. A rezoning is a legislative action which is considered through a complex process.
Generally, rezoning is justifiable under one of the following three circumstances:
When a property owner wants to use land in a way that is not permitted by the zoning of his or her property, the owner must request to rezone the property to a classification which permits the desired use. A rezoning is a legislative action which is considered through a complex process.
Generally, rezoning is justifiable under one of the following three circumstances:
If you are the owner or option holder of a piece of property and wish to petition for rezoning, you begin the process by submitting an application and filing fee to Davison Township Building Department.
To complete the application you need to know:
The staff will assist you in completing the form. Your application must be submitted 32 days prior to the Planning Commission monthly hearing. Please see “Meeting Deadlines” for a meeting date and time line.
State law requires that any rezoning be publicized in a local newspaper because it may affect surrounding property, roads, and public utilities. Publication must meet state guide lines for notification times.
When an application is filed, the planning staff evaluates the request, beginning with an on-site assessment of the property and surrounding area. This fieldwork is needed to determine how the rezoning could impact adjoining land uses.
If the rezoning request is consistent with the goals and policies of these adopted plans, then the planning staff will most likely recommend the rezoning. If the request is in conflict or has a potential for harming the surrounding area, the staff may recommend denial. In forming these judgments, the staff is obligated to consider the health, safety, and welfare of the total community as well as the desires of the applicant and neighbors.
Planning Commission monthly hearings occur on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Davison Township Municipal Center. The planning commission hearing provides a public forum where petitioners and any opponents can address the commission. The planning commissioners then vote on the rezoning request, recommending either approval, denial, or approval of a different, less restrictive zone than the one requested. Zoning requests recommended for approval are placed on the agenda of the township board. The planning commission can also vote to postpone a rezoning decision to a later date, or table it for an indefinite period of time.