Davison Township

Davison Township

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(810) 653-4156
1280 N. Irish Rd., Davison, MI 48423
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm

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General Information

Davison Township has a variety of boards and committees that serve as advisory bodies to the Township Board of Trustees on matters affecting the township.

These boards and committees involve public participation and membership. The Supervisor’s Department is responsible for processing applications for each of those bodies. In addition, the Clerk’s Department maintains record of each member’s appointment and their length of term.

If you are interested in serving on one of the committees or boards, you may submit a completed application for the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Board of Review, DDA, Fire Authority, Senior Citizens Authority and Library Board.

Submit applications to:
Supervisor’s Office
1280 N. Irish Road
Davison, MI 48423.

Board of Trustees

Jim Slezak – Supervisor


Michael T. Leffler
 – Clerk

Travis Howell
– Treasurer

Matthew D. Karr
– Trustee

Lori Tallman
– Trustee


Board of Trustees Meetings
Second MONDAY of every month at 6:00 p.m.
Township Municipal Center
1280 N. Irish Road
Unless otherwise noted.

Davison Township is a general law township that operates under state law and township ordinances. The township is governed by a five-member board that includes the supervisor, clerk, treasurer and two trustees, all of whom are elected every four years on a partisan basis. The supervisor, clerk and treasurer are constitutional officers provided for in Article VII, Section 18, of the Michigan Constitution.

To qualify for these offices, a person must be a township elector, but property ownership is not required. A township primary election is held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in August preceding the general November election. This occurs in presidential election years.

Planning Commission

Bruce Calhoun – Chairperson
Paul Snyder – Vice Chair
Rob Hollenback – Secretary
John Allen – Member
Lorrie Pascoe – Member
Carol Dowsett – Member
Travis Howell – Township Treasurer
Paul James – Member
Annetta Wilbon – Member

Planning Commission Meetings
Second WEDNESDAY of every month at 6:00 p.m.
Township Municipal Center
1280 N. Irish Road
Unless otherwise noted.

The Planning Commission consists of not less than five, nor more than nine members, who must be qualified township electors.  One member of the township board must be a planning commission member.  Members are appointed by the township supervisor with township board approval and may be removed by the supervisor after a hearing, with the approval of the township board.

The basic function of the planning commission is to form and adopt a plan for the township’s land use development.  The plan should include maps, plats, charts, and descriptive and explanatory material.  In addition to private land use, it should consider the general location of major streets, water and sewer systems and other public utilities and structures, rehabilitation of blighted areas, location of public buildings, flood prevention, public recreation and other similar matters pertinent to governmental service.  The planning commission is required to review any plats or subdivisions and make a recommendation to the township board for action.

Zoning Board of Appeals

Richard Hill – Chairperson
Carol Hagler – Vice Chair
Eric Hernandez – Secretary
Nancy Davis – Member
Travis Howell – Township Treasurer
Scott Hynes – Member
Joy Smith – Member

ZBA Meetings
Second TUESDAY of every month at 7:00 p.m.
Township Municipal Center
1280 N. Irish Road
Unless otherwise noted.

Zoning Board of Appeals Schedule – Meeting Deadlines

The main function of the Zoning Board is to provide reasonable restrictions on land use that conform to a comprehensive township development plan and provide for the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of township citizens and property owners. The Board’s power may be transferred by Township Board resolution to a Township Planning Commission. The Zoning Board may hire a planner and any other technical assistance it may require, with the Township Board’s consent and within the board’s budget appropriations.

Zoning Board actions are recommendations that are submitted to the county coordinating committee or County Planning Commission for further recommendations and to the Township Board for final adoption. The Zoning Board’s recommendation is delivered to the county coordinating or planning commission where this requirement has not been waived by the County Board of Commissioners. The county coordinating or planning commission then has 30 days to review the Zoning Board recommendation and make its own recommendations. Both recommendations are delivered to the Township Board for final decision. If the Township Board wishes to make any changes in the Zoning Board recommendation, it must refer the matter back to the board for a further report. The Township Board then has the final authority to adopt or reject the recommendation, with or without amendments, as it sees fit.

Board of Review

Board of Review is scheduled by appointment only. Please call once you have received your assessment notice.

Brian Seigrist – Board Member
Robert Hollenbeck – Board Member
John Krueger – Board Member

Board of Review Annual Statutory Dates

March Board of Review – Tuesday following the first Monday in March and second Monday in March. These dates and times are shown on your “Assessment Change Notice” and are also published in the local news paper. You may appeal by letter as long as the letter is received by the last date shown.

July Board of Review – Tuesday following third Monday in July. These meetings are held for correction of clerical errors and mutual mistakes of fact.

An owner of property that is Qualified Agricultural Property on May 1 may appeal to the July Board of Review for the current year and the immediately preceding year if the exemption was not on the tax roll. [211.7ee(6)].

PA 74 of 1995 authorizes July (and December) BOR to hear appeals for poverty exemptions, but not for poverty exemptions denied by the March Board of Review. Applies to current year only. [211.7u].

An owner of property may appeal the rescission of a Homeowner’s Principal Residence Exemption to the July or December Board of Review in either the year for which the exemption is rescinded or in the immediately succeeding year. [211.7cc(16)].

December Board of Review – Tuesday following second Monday in December. Same criteria as July Board of Review

Downtown Development Authority

Beautification Matching Program Assistance Application Packet

Stone Chiropractic before and after
Sedo Automotive before and after
State Farm before and after
Ross Automotive before and after

Zak Hawley – Chairperson
Jackie Hoist – Vice Chair
Kelly Smith – Treasurer
Kurtis McMahan – Secretary
Casey Clark – Member
Todd Ferguson – Member
Jim Slezak – Member
Craig Stefanko – Member
Tom Wright – Member

DDA Meetings
First TUESDAY of every month at 9:00 a.m.
Township Municipal Center
1280 N. Irish Road
Some exceptions may exist.
See Calendar

The Davison Township Downtown Development Authority board consists of the Supervisor and eight members appointed by the Supervisor with Township Board approval. The purpose of the authority is to plan for the development of a specific area of the township, including the acquisition of land or its improvement, restoration, maintenance and operation, including public facilities. Its activities may be financed by donations, taxation (when authorized by the township board and the electors), revenues from the development, tax increment financing and other sources. Tax increment financing is pledging taxes or other authorized taxing units upon the increasing value of the improvements made by the authority.

Fire Authority

Jim Slezak – Chair
Andrea Schroeder – Vice Chair
Joseph Madore – Secretary/Treasurer
Travis Howell
Stacey Kalisz
Brian Arnes

Fire Authority Meetings
Fourth TUESDAY of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Fire Station
403 S. Main Street

The Fire Authority Board submits an annual budget for review, modification and approval by the participating municipal governing bodies. Its powers and functions are delegated by The City of Davison, Davison Township and Richfield Township. The board consists of seven members, appointed to three year terms with the seventh member rotating for two years.

Senior Center Authority

Jim Slezak -Davison Township
Dona Jenks – Davison Township
Sue Johns – Davison Township
Barb Arsenault – City of Davison
Stacey Kalisz – Davison City Rep.

Senior Center Authority Meetings
Third WEDNESDAY of every month at 4:30 p.m.
Davison Area Senior Center
10135 Lapeer Road

Davison-Richfield Area Senior Citizens Activity Center

The authority establishes a budget, policies and procedures for the operation of the Davison Area Senior Center, which offers a variety of programs. Member governments include the City of Davison and Davison Township.

For more information on help for seniors and the many programs offered, visit their website or contact Kathy Davis, Director or Joie Hitchcock, Assistant Director at 810-658-1566.


Genesee District Library

The Davison Area Library is a branch of the Genesee District Library. The library board consists of two appointed members each from Davison Township, the City of Davison and Richfield Township. It acts as a support group for library programs and operations, establishing a budget for physical improvements to the library building and other amenities.
